Maisie Williams, the British actress who plays the complex character Arya Stark on HBO's "Game of Thrones," gave away certain spoilers about the upcoming series finale of the cult favorite show for its eighth and final season. The biggest spoiler of all: She knows how "Game of Thrones" will finally end, and she is not about to share any details about it. Similarly, she squashed a particular rumor about HBO filming multiple endings to avoid leaking spoilers about the impending finale.
Naturally, legalities bind actors and actresses from giving away too much, but this did not stop Williams from directly telling late-night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel that she does, in fact, know how the cult favorite TV show will finally bow out.
"I know the end of 'Game of Thrones'! It's just surreal to be honest. Like being with this show for so long and then it also having the following that it does, it's just everyone is waiting for this moment and then you read it and it's incredible," says Williams.
While she did not give away who will be sitting on the Iron Throne at the very last episode, she even went as far as saying that she shared the finale details with her mother. Kimmel fishes further for spoilers by asking Williams how much more scenes she has left to shoot, to which Williams replied, "A lot. Endless amounts. It's a mammoth task this year."
Regarding the rumors that have been circulating about multiple finales, Williams wryly says, "I don't think we've got the budget to shoot lots of different endings." This, despite the earlier pronouncements made by HBO's president of programming, Casey Bloys, through The Morning Call.
The production is always on the lookout for leaks, especially after full episodes found themselves on the web prior to HBO's airing. David Benioff, co-creator of the series, tells Entertainment that, "the leak can be a relative or roommate to somebody with access to the scripts who decides to try and get a few Facebook friends. Thankfully there are so many false rumors."
For now, "Game of Thrones" fans will have to contend with being kept in the dark regarding season 8 and just patiently wait until 2019 to get their fix on HBO.