German pastor wages valiant fight to defend Christianity now under fire in his country

Pastor Olaf Latzel says 'if you preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and everyone is clapping his hand, then you have a problem.' (Facebook/Solidarität mit Olaf Latzel)

Just like most Western nations, Germany is now being covered by a "profound spiritual darkness," according to Charisma News.

The Christian news source noted that Germany is remembered as the birthplace of the Reformation and was once a base for world Christian missions.

But now, true followers of Jesus Christ in the country are under fire in the media, by their own government and even denounced by fellow Christians whose faith has been subverted, according to Pastor Olaf Latzel of Bremen, Germany.

Latzel knows full well what he is saying since he is one of the prime targets of what he regards as anti-Christian conspiracy in his country.

In today's Germany, Latzel said traditional Christian teaching is now viewed by many as bigoted, hateful, and even "un-Christian."

"I'm only preaching the Gospel in a clear way," Latzel told Charisma News. "I think it is my duty to do this preaching in this way for our Lord."

In his sermons, Latzel speaks his mind out, standing against what he sees as a spirit of compromise that "seems to have swallowed Germany and the German state church," Charisma News said.

As a result, he has infuriated the German government and, sadly, even some German pastors who wanted to reconcile with non-Christians.

Latzel said the fundamental question in the German church today is who God really is.

Latzel said some of his fellow Christian pastors believe that "Allah and Jesus Christ, the Christian God, is the same god."

"But if you ask a Muslim, 'Does your god have a son?' he would say no!" he said. "Our (Christian) God has a son; His name is Jesus Christ. So, they are not the same."

"If you speak out loud and clearly about the truth of the Bible, that there's only one way to heaven and this way is Jesus Christ, there is only one God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and there is no other god beside Him, then you have a problem," he said.

Because of outspokenness and courage to defend his faith, 70 German pastors gathered in Bremen this year under the banner of "diversity" to denounce Latzel.

Accused of making hate speeches, the public prosecutor investigated him but later cleared him.

But this did not stop the Bremen parliament from passing a resolution to condemn him. Charisma News said it was the first time a German pastor was condemned by a German parliament since World War II.

But instead of losing heart, Latzel said the challenges he has to face only makes him stronger.

Latzel, who comes from a family of soldiers, said he is in a "war" between Christ and the devil, and the attacks reassure him.

"This is one sign that you are on the right way in your preaching, when you get problems," Latzel said. "If you preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and everyone is clapping his hand, then you have a problem."

"Because, if you're telling the truth from the Bible, then the devil will come and he will fight against you in several ways; he will fight against the Word of God," he said.

Latzel is the pastor at the historic St. Martini (St. Martin's) Church in Bremen, where the great hymn "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty" was written in 1679 by the church's pastor, Joachim Neander.

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