A new shelter for homeless people has opened in Rome in response to Pope Francis' appeal for more housing for those in need.
The shelter has been called "Gift of Mercy" because, as the Apostolic Almoner, Bishop Konrad Krajewski explained, it is a gift from the General House of the Society of Jesus and mercy is love's "second name".
It was given in response to the Pope's appeal for those in religious communities to open their doors to those in need.

The shelter was funded and refurbished by the Apostolic Almoner along with generous contributions of individuals and is run by nuns from Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity.
The dormitory has space for up to 34 men and hopes to house them for up to 30 days. There are strict rules in place to help the dormitory run effectively.
Each potential guest is interviewed by the nuns and on acceptance is expected to wake at 6.15am and be out of the dormitories by 8am for cleaning. They have access to showers and to a local canteen.
Since 1988 Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity has run a similar dormitory for women, and with the addition of The Gift of Mercy, the Vatican is now able to provide beds for 84 people.