Duck Dynasty's teenage star Sadie Robertson is proving herself to be quite an inspiration to young girls everywhere, and this time, her message of encouragement is all about perfection.
Sadie shared a quote on her Instagram account (@legitsadierob) that says: "I was born to be real, not to be perfect."
Then she captioned it, "God doesn't call us to be perfect. I will never be perfect, but I do serve a perfect God. Just be YOU. Live original. Be confident."
The reality star with her trademark dimples has made the saying "live original" really popular after she named a prom clothing line collaboration with Sherri Hill after it, named her book Live Original: How the Duck Commander Teen Keeps It Real and Stays True to Her Values, then later put up a website dedicated to her motto where she urges fans to "dream big and do something."
"Living a life confident in being the person God made you to be is my hope for everyone. You are valuable! You are worth respecting. No matter what you may struggle with, you are still a person God made. You are His child. He loves you, and He has good plans for your life," she wrote.
"If you respect yourself and insist that others respect you too, you'll be right in the middle of God's plans for your life now and on track for a great future."
Maintaining a positive and cheerful disposition is no easy task for Sadie, who has admitted that she struggles with worry, jealousy, and insecurities just like any other girl. However, Sadie said she turns to God for all of her problems, and that is why she is able to overcome them.
"If you're seeking human approval, you're never gonna reach your goal. You can only reach it by God," she explained.