'Grand Theft Auto V' DLC news: Data miners find new content set to be released in the coming months

Screenshot from "Grand Theft Auto V" "Grand Theft Auto V" official website

"Grand Theft Auto V" is one of Rockstar Games' biggest games in the market, spanning a huge audience despite the Mature rating. It then comes as no surprise that a lot of data miners hack into the game's system, leading to discoveries of future releases for the holidays.

According to Express UK, a group of "GTA V" data miners found evidence, before the end of November, that the rumored "Bikers 2" DLC may, in fact, exist. They say these may be the final vehicles for the title. But more than that, they discovered more than what they bargained for.

They noticed a few more events slated for the upcoming weeks. As per the said data miners, they found six clubhouse interiors, leading fans to believe another update may happen after the Biker DLC fiasco is over. There may also be the usual holiday gear in time for December's events.

Aside from those mentioned, it seems Rockstar is also planning to incorporate a car selling feature into the game. It sounds like a good idea, and it will be a new expansion to the mechanics of the current play.

The game has created a lot of buzz for gamers of all ages. The title even brought about a revolution for the players in creating a dedicated YouTube trend for what they are calling "Brutal Kills" of non-playable characters, Kotaku reports.

There are no signs of slowing down with regard to such trend, as there is a huge library of the said genre on the video sharing site. Some players even get so creative that they recreate characters outside the "GTA V" cast, such as Spider-Man and John Cena, who have been some of the most popular figures in brutal kills.

It sounds like innocent yet twisted fun until it gets out of hand. According to Cog Connected, an 11-year-old boy tried to pull stunts he was doing in the game onto the real world. He was caught driving erratically on Highway 400, with which people thought it may be an impaired driver. When police finally boxed him in, they were shocked to see the boy behind the wheel.

Despite "Grand Theft Auto V" being arguably a massive hit, players should keep the crime in the game and out of the real world.

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