The same group that wanted to take down the "God bless the military" sign in the Marine Corps Base in Hawaii is now demanding that additional signs be put up including "blessings" from Satan, Allah, Odin, and many other ungodly names just to accommodate other beliefs.
The Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) earlier sent an e-mail to Col. Sean Killeen, the commanding officer of the Hawaiian base, asking him to take down the sign that says "God bless the military, their families, and the civilians who work with them," which was reportedly put up after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the US mainland, according to Christian News.
"This sign is a brazen violation of the No Establishment clause of the Constitution, as it sends the clear message that your installation gives preference to those who hold religious beliefs over those who do not, and those who prefer a monotheistic, intervening God over other deities or theologies," wrote Blake Page of MRFF.
However, after giving the matter much thought, Killeen decided that he will neither remove nor relocate the sign. He wrote in response: "Several Supreme Court cases and other federal cases, to include the 9th Circuit, support the conclusion that the message on the sign does not violate the Establishment Clause of the US Constitution. 'God bless' is commonly used in our culture in a number of contexts and there are numerous references to God in this nation's symbols, songs, mottos and oaths."
Not contented with Killeen's decision, the MRFF is now making another ridiculous demand, insisting that nine other signs be put up beside the existing board so as to reflect other religions.
"On behalf of MRFF's Church of Satan clients under your command, our clients demand the immediate right to build and display the religious message board appearing in the pictures below which starts with the words 'Satan Bless,'" MRFF president Mikey Weinstein wrote.
Not content, he also requested an "All-Glorious Bahá Bless" and "May the Force Be with (Our Military)" sign. Previously, board requests included "Allah bless," "Odin bless," and "Vishnu bless."
Weinstein even asked for a board that reads, "There is no God to bless (our military)... We have each other."
Killeen's response to the second demand still remains unknown at this point.