"Gwent," a free-to-play online card game based on "The Witcher" was supposed to release its single-player campaign mode titled Thronebreaker sometime toward the end of 2017. However, Thronebreaker has been pushed back to 2018 instead.
Marcin Iwinski, the co-founder of CD Projekt Red made an announcement regarding the changes on their official website on Nov. 22. In the announcement, Iwinski brought up the reason for the game's delay and the current change of plans that contributed to campaign's delay.
"Dear gamers! We've decided to introduce changes to GWENT's development roadmap, and I'd like to take a brief moment of your time to share them with you. Thronebreaker, GWENT's story-driven single-player campaign, is moving to 2018. We decided to increase the campaign's scope and need more time to work on it. Shifting release windows are always something we approach seriously, however, we'll never hesitate to do it if we feel you'll get a better game as a result. I would like to apologize to everyone who planned to play Thronebreaker over the Holidays..."
According to Iwinski, due to the plans to tweak the campaign's scope, the developers need more time to work on Thronebreaker before they will be able to find the results favorable and release the single-player campaign. Delays aside, the developers from CD Projekt Red want to ensure that their fans receive quality content and that they create a game that they can all be proud of.
They feel that the delay is necessary in order to achieve their goal and Iwinski mentioned they didn't take the decision lightly. Another topic the announcement brought up was "Gwent's" beta stage. They plan to take "Gwent" out of its beta stage sometime in 2018, alongside their plans to release more multiplayer content for the game's player base.
Iwinski also mentioned that new cards, challenges, and vanity items would be released in the future.
"Gwent" is available on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.