Don would not be alive today were if not for the angels that visited him as he lay hovering between life and death on his hospital bed and then later inside his own home, according to God Reports.
After picking up his wife Kathleen at the airport, Don felt the same chest pain he felt a day earlier. His wife convinced him to drive to the hospital immediately.
There, Kathleen received the bad news. "Your husband is dying," the doctor told her, adding that he had seven collapsed arteries around his heart as seen in the angiogram test.
Moments later, Don complained of excruciating chest pain. "It was like an elephant standing on my chest," he recalls. "The pressure was unbelievable, and then I was out, gone." It was just the start of a massive heart attack.
Kathleen prayed with all her might as surgeons performed five bypasses on Don, an operation that lasted eight hours.
The stress was too much for Don and his heart beat and brain waves flat-lined. Miraculously, when the surgeons gave his heart an electrical shock, his heart began beating again and his brain wave activity resumed.
He was then wheeled to the ICU to await his recovery. It was there that Kathleen saw a "female Asian doctor" who took Don's chart and told Kathleen to list down her instructions.
As she walked out of the room, a nurse walked in. Don asked for the name of the lady Asian doctor who just walked out of the door
The nurse's reply stunned both Don and Kathleen. "We don't have any Asian female doctors in this hospital. Nobody walked out the door."
Kathleen and Don believe their mystery nurse was actually an angel. They followed her instructions on his medication, which quickly led to Don's amazing recovery. He was subsequently discharged from the hospital.
At home, two days later while Don was lying on the couch, he was again visited by another angel.
"Standing above me was a bright flame of fire," he says. "It started to move away from me. As it was moving, I could hear wings whooshing, like helicopter wings. It moved across the back of the room, moved up and out the window. I was petrified."
Two days later a friend from church dropped by. "Two nights ago God told me to bring this to you," she said. She handed Kathleen a small jewellery box.
On top of it was inscribed: "I have sent my angel ahead of you to guard you on the path to the place I have prepared for you."
Don and Kathleen then realised that what they saw in the hospital and in their own home were angels sent by God to bring His healing power to Don.
Still in awe, Don says he's ever grateful to God for his miraculous recovery.
"Every single day is a gift. I am willing to do what he wants me to now," he says.