More than half of women feel overwhelmed by the number of things on their to-do list, a new survey has found.
The study by Garnier Fructis of 2,000 American women found that the average woman think she needs an extra 82 minutes each day to get everything done.
Over half of those surveyed (55 per cent) said they were too busy each week and that getting through their daily tasks meant compromising on some of the things they really wanted to do.
Half of respondents said they had given up a hobby because they no longer had time for it.
When asked what they would use extra time for if they had it, top of the list was getting more sleep (49 per cent).
Over a third of women (36 per cent) said they wanted more time to read, while over a quarter (29 per cent) wanted more minutes in the day to squeeze in some exercise.
One in five (22 per cent) said they wanted more time to be able to learn a new hobby, while nearly a quarter (24 per cent) said they just wanted some time to be able to cook.
In addition to missing out on the time do the things they love, the poll revealed that women were struggling to find the time to take care of themselves.
One in three (31 percent) of the women polled said they often had less than 30 minutes of "me time" per day, while over a third (38 percent) said they hadn't managed to spend a single afternoon on themselves in over a month.
For two in five, mornings were the busiest time of the day, with eating breakfast on the commute to work and leaving the house late being common occurrences, while the average time spent getting ready was 55 minutes.
A quarter of the women said they were so strapped for time they would even give up their regular cup of Joe to fit more in.
'As a hairstylist, I hear countless women tell me they wish they could cut down on the time spent doing their own hair. They all wish they could get more time back for themselves,' said Garnier Consulting Celebrity Hair Stylist Ashley Streicher.