There are three more episodes left to the 13-episode story arc of "Heroes Reborn" but fans are already anticipating a season 2. The question, though, is whether or not there will be a second season.
"Heroes Reborn" bore a lot of promise when it was announced, one of which is to jump off from the original NBC science fiction show "Heroes" and even improve on it. The network had a lot of confidence in it that a teaser was premiered during the 2015 Super Bowl and a six-episode webisode was even launched prior to the series premiere.
Now that the freshman season is now 10 episodes in, the question on everyone's minds is if there will be succeeding seasons. After all, it was once said prior to the premiere that the series is meant for just a single season.
The answer is varied, at best. But series creator Tim Kring has always wanted the show to continue after the initial 13 episodes. Back in August, even before the first episode aired in September, Kring has already shown confidence that the show will be renewed after 13 episodes.
"We've only spoken about doing [13 episodes]. That being said, I've always felt that the brand was elastic enough and a broad enough premise. It's a show about ordinary people with extraordinary powers. It's an indeterminate [amount of] people around the world and then they have to save the world. I feel confident that we can find more story to tell with some returning characters and new ones," the creator told Variety.
The buzz that there will at least be a season 2 was fueled even more when the NBC website reported "Heroes Reborn" as an even series, says Youth Health Mag. This gives the network enough space to continue the series if it does well or cancel it if it tanks in the ratings game.
So how is the series faring so far? Not too well. TV by the Numbers says there has been a 50% dip from the opening 2.0 in September, down to 1.0 in the last few episodes in December before the midseason break.
Because there is no official announcement yet from NBC, "Heroes Reborn" remains at one season at the moment. More on its renewal or cancellation soon as news becomes available.