Hillsong Church is actively seeking support for Nepal, which has recently been devastated by a massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake, killing at least 6,300 individuals and injuring twice that number.
"Nepal is a country known for its breathtaking mountains, its sweeping valleys and its beautiful people. And today, Nepal needs our attention," Pastor Brian Houston wrote in the Hillsong website. "Thousands of Nepal's citizens have lost their lives and countless others are injured or displaced in the aftermath of this natural disaster."
Through Hillsong's long-standing partnership with ACCI Relief, they have been sending relief missions to the cities of Pokhara and Kathmandu, which have been struck down by the earthquake. Pastors and congregations are working nonstop to provide for victims' immediate needs and hand out emergency supplies such as food, water, tents, clothes, and basic medical needs. Hillsong also partnered with World Vision Australia.
And while help given to Nepal has been positive so far, Houston is urging Hillsong church members to open their hearts more to those in need, since there is still a lot of work to be done in order to restore Nepal back to its original state.
"Without any hesitation, I am asking our entire church and network to be generous in their response. It is times like these when the Church must lead the way with an open-handed, compassionate and unified effort to bring comfort to those who are hurting," he said.
This weekend, all services at Hillsong Church will be inviting members to give an offering towards earthquake relief efforts in Nepal.
"Our God is gracious and compassionate, His heart is towards His people and ours should be also," added Houston.