When he was just a young boy, Hillsong's David Ware already knew God was calling him to become a worship leader. However, becoming one did not happen overnight, and there were so many things he had to learn first.
"My level of authority needed to grow and be developed. Things we may think are small and insignificant are actually powerful weapons we need for ministry — things like rapport, credibility, and learning to read a service that often only come with time," he writes on the Hillsong website.
Oftentimes, young worship leaders tend to overestimate their abilities, Ware says. Thoughts of bitterness could creep in such as, "I could be doing that. I could lead that service. I could run that meeting." But the truth is, they are still not ripe for it, he says.
This is why Ware loves to recall the story of David even before he became king. "One of my favourite people in the Bible is David. Not necessarily King David, but before that — plain old shepherd boy David. David knew what it felt like to have received God's promise for his life, but he went through years of waiting until it came to pass," Ware says.
Instead of comparing one's self to others and trying to force something to happen before it's even the right time, people should take a page out of David before he became king "and slay your bears, kill your lions, conquer your giants and look after your flock," he says.
"Where are you at in this journey of anointing and authority? Which giants in your life should you be conquering? How faithful are you with the sheep you are tending, with what God has put in front of you right now? Let God develop and prepare you for the God-dreams He's placed in your heart," says Ware.