Holy Spirit touches pastor's wayward son, saving him from a life of sin; now he preaches to save other people's lives

Young Christians attend a revival service in Mingo County, West Virginia. (Screenshot/WSAZ 3 News Channel)

Although he was the son of a pastor and spent "endless hours" in church, D.R. Harrison had "zero interest" in God and was a "bitter and angry" young man when he left home at the age of 21.

Harrison tells God Reports that at that time all he wanted was to "chase after money and fame."

He says for 12 years—from age 21 to 33—he never entered the doors of a church. "All I cared about was how much money I could make," he admits.

During this time, he became an alcoholic and "did a lot of things I never dreamed I would do."

But God did not give up on him. On May 19, 2016, something happened to Harrison that radically changed his life. On that day, he received a call from evangelist C.T. Townsend who wanted him to edit some revival videos. At that time he owned a video production company in Burlington, North Carolina.

Townsend said he wanted the video editing finished by 5 p.m. that same day.

Initially, Harrison objected, saying, "We schedule our projects months in advance and there's no way we can do it."

But Townsend was insistent. "D.R., God told me you were supposed to edit this video," he told him.

Harrison was still hesitant but accepted the video editing job albeit reluctantly. He never edits videos himself, but that day, he edited it.

The video shows what a lost man would experience when he died and had to stand before God during Judgment Day.

He says he heard that story "10 million times." Yet, when he started editing the video, "for the first time in 12 years, the Holy Spirit started dealing with my heart."

God then spoke to Harrison's heart, telling him, "Son, I love you and I want to use you in ways you could never imagine. If you turn me away tonight, I will never speak to you again."

Harrison was stunned. He tried to get the idea out of his mind. But when he woke up the next day, God continued to hound him.

The point came when he couldn't take it anymore. On his smart phone, Harrison began to watch a live stream of the Burlington revival service led by Townsend.

It was then that the power of the Word and the Holy Spirit swept him. He fell on his knees and cried out to God: "I can't save myself... I'm just a poor, lost, hell-bound preacher's kid, but God, if you'll save me, I'll give you my life."

When he stood up after a few moments of introspection, he says he felt like a new man. "Everything I had been taught in my youth made sense for the first time," Harrison says.

The next day he called the evangelist and also his dad. All were jubilant, shouting for joy and praising God over the phone.

Harrison then began preaching revivals. He is now visiting various churches across America and sharing his testimony, and everywhere he shared his testimony, people got saved.

"Eleven weeks ago I was sitting on a barstool drinking. God has done all this in 11 weeks," he says.

"It would take the rest of eternity to tell people what God has done in my life in the last 11 weeks. It's a modern day miracle and I thank God for what he's won," Harrison says.

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