Signs of change are happening across the UK, as churches, organisations and individuals make plans for Hope08. That was the message shared by Mike Pilavachi on the recent Soul Survivor Tour, which launched Hope08 in five different cities.
"There's a turnaround that's taking place," Pilavachi told nearly 3,000 church leaders and young people who gathered in Oxford, Nottingham, Bristol, London and Cambridge.
"In all sorts of ways, doors are opening. And it would be a tragedy if we, as God's people, didn't see this as something that God is orchestrating - and walk through."
As one example, Pilavachi explained that as a youth worker he used to find it very difficult to gain access to schools. However, schools are now actively inviting churches to help.
Also speaking on the tour was Andy Hawthorne of The Message, Manchester. He pointed out that traditional Christian festivals such as Easter and Christmas are drawing "more and more people" to church.
According to Hawthorne, at Christmas 1999, 36 per cent of the national population attended church - and this number has grown "year on year". At Christmas 2006, 45 per cent "passed through our buildings".
The roadshows attracted more than 300 church leaders, who took the opportunity to discuss their ideas and commit to supporting and equipping each other in 2008.
Pilavachi reflected this sense of unity and co-operation by saying "it's actually great fun to witness to Jesus together".
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