You've been waiting for the right one for as long as you can remember. You have also met more than a handful of wrong ones in the past. The dating process has become daunting, and more than that, your uncertainty of being able to discern Godly love from infatuation has taken an all-time low. So, how do you really know if God sent you this person to spend your life with?
God Must Be First
The best marriages come to those who seek first things above rather than things of earth. – Colossians 3:2
For you to be able to find love with someone else, you must pour all your heart to God first. Before you seek happiness on Earth, you must seek happiness in the Kingdom of God first. This is a golden rule you must always remember. Your happiness and contentment must not lie on meeting your spouse, it should be spending eternity with the Lord.
On the Right Path
Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. – Matthew 6:33
If this person is pressuring you to sleep with them, he/she isn't God sent. One of the things you must keep in mind when meeting someone is that you and your partner will always seek righteousness first. God will not give you someone who will bring out the worse in you. God has high standards for choosing your husband/wife.
Ask for Wisdom and Get Support
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. – James 1:5
Only God knows our fate for He made the plans for each one of us. This means that whatever you do, you will still be uncertain of knowing if the person you're dating is actually sent by God. It is vital that you continually ask God for wisdom so you can discern better and make decisions in life.
It is also just as important to seek godly counsel for guidance. You can talk to a pastor or someone you can confide in at church. When you're in a relationship, you can get really emotional and it will help if you can get some outside perspective to make you see the bigger picture.
It Comes After Patiently Waiting
Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; Wait for the LORD! - Psalm 27:14
Of course, waiting is not easy, but rushing things will just make things more complicated. Would you believe that God has made plans for you before you were even born? That includes God choosing your spouse and sending him/her your way at the right time. God doesn't want you to be alone, and if you wholeheartedly believe that, you can exercise patience when meeting the right one for you.
Love will always come at the right time. But while you wait, keep your eyes on the Lord. Don't fixate on what's to come or who's to come for that matter. Don't focus on fleeting connections. Instead, focus on building your riches in the Kingdom of God, because at the end of it all, that's what matters. Love God first, and you'll be able to find love in others.