The finale of "How to Get Away with Murder" season 2 saw the death of another character, with the murderer still unknown. Theorists believe it could have been Frank, reports Christian Times. The new season is expected to premiere on ABC later this 2016, with fans already speculating on various turnarounds. Nothing could be unexpected for the hit series at this point.

In an interview, Charlie Weber, who plays Frank, states how his character has already come to be so "evil" and that him murdering Wallace would not be so far-fetched at this point. However, the actor does state that he has no idea who the murderer is or what the motive is. He also believes that Frank may have a chance at redemption, and that his character has gone through so many circumstances that he ended up turning into a bad guy, but not by choice. Frank is still morally ambiguous at this point, depending on where the series may take him. Sportsrageous even believes that he may be completely "gone for good" due to his guilt over what he has done to Annalise.
Meanwhile, Morning News USA reports that the romance between Asher and Michaela is going to continue into season 3. The two characters have slowly been drawn to each other, so there are various ways that their storyline could possibly play out.
Christian Times reports that nobody still knows whether Rebecca is really dead or not by now, and most of the focus is directed by the plot writers toward Wes witnessing the death of his father. This upcoming season may include even more teasers, depth and history regarding Rebecca, Frank and Bonnie.
"How to Get Away with Murder" is going to continue with the first episode of season 3 later this year on ABC.