The popular American drama series "How To Get Away With Murder" recently just aired its midseason finale. With the end of episode 8, fans may have been left horrified at what they just had to witness. So, fans are understandably hyped up to see what happens next to many of the characters when the next half of the season airs early next year.
Annalise finally knows who murdered Wes Gibbins, one of her students whom she treated like a son. However, the question now is if she would still go after the murderer, especially after considering the last scenes involving her, Laurel, and Laurel's baby. Annalise has been trying her best to stay away from all the drama the whole season but finds herself inevitably involved it in the end.
If there is anything that fans can expect, it would be how Annalise will deal with the whole situation. Now that she finds herself part of the drama, it will be interesting to see what her next moves are.
The show's executive producer, Pete Nowalk, has also hinted at storylines fans can expect. Since Laurel and her family is now revealed to be part of the whole picture, fans will learn more about the young woman's family.
"This is the perfect way to reveal more of where [Laurel] comes from," said Nowak via TV Line. "It will make a lot of sense why he ordered Wes to be killed. It's fin to dig more into what Laurel's backstory is and create a mystery around her family."
As for the last minutes of the midseason finale, it was heartbreaking for many. The 6-months-pregnant Laurel found out her dad was responsible for her boyfriend's death. Annalise went over to her place, only to find Laurel stuck, unconscious, and covered in blood in an elevator lying beside her premature baby.
Those who have followed the show would know that this would have brought flashbacks for Annalise, as her own baby did not make it. Thankfully, at the last few seconds, fans hear a baby cry.
"How to Get Away With Murder" will return on Thursday, Jan. 18, at 9 p.m. EST on ABC.