The Pierce County Council approved the motto "In God We Trust" in their council chambers Tuesday.
The decision was split 4-3, and faced considerable controversy from atheists and some of the council's constituents.
The council also approved the slogan "E Pluribus Unum," a Latin phrase meaning "out of many, one." The secondary approval did little to appease the dissenters, though.
"It doesn't take away the insult," Sam Mulvey, an atheist, told The News Tribune.
Some citizens, including Elaine Nevins, said there shouldn't be any religious statements in a public building.
"This is a secular place to do government business in," she said.
Catherine Forte agreed. "It's divisive," she said.
A Jewish resident, Adam Smith, found "In God We Trust" to be exclusionary.
"Anyone who is different is not welcome here," was the message he said the motto projected.
In the volatile two hour meeting, Councilman Jim McCune was accused of trying to impose his Christian beliefs on the council by Councilman Rick Talbert. Council Chair Dan Roach said Talbert was out of order.
"You're assigning motives to Mr. McCune," Roach said.
The crowd implored Roach to let Talbert speak, and he was allowed to continue.
Another citizen was escorted from chambers after making negative remarks about religious groups.
The council vote was split on party line, with Republican councilpersons voting for the two mottos, and the Democratic councilpersons voting against.
Councilwoman Connie Landenberg sought to add other deities to "In God We Trust," and to display the slogan in multiple languages. She also wanted to replace the "In God We Trust" motto with "E Pluribus Unum," instead of having both mottos. Her motions were denied.
Before the vote, Council Chair Roach said he did not understand why there was such an issue around the motto.
"I don't understand why this is so controversial," he said.
"It doesn't matter if it's a Christian God, a Hindu God, a Muslim God, science, Mother Earth... God is what you want God to be. I think it's all-inclusive."