Ed Boon, creative director of NetherRealm Studios, confirmed at the San Diego Comic Con that fans can expect a mobile version of Injustice 2. "There's definitely going to be an Injustice mobile 2 app as well," he said in an interview by IGN.
This is in line with the recent poll he did on Twitter where he asked fans of the game if they like a new separate app for Injustice 2 or just add the game to the current Injustice mobile game app. 71 percent of the 7, 734 voters rated high in favor of a whole new app for Injustice 2. "So it looks like the vast majority of you would prefer us to make a NEW 'Injustice 2' mobile app. Interesting..."he said, along with his post of the results in Twitter.
Meanwhile, Injustice 2 will be released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One with the inclusion of the new characters along with the old ones from the prequel Injustice: Gods Among Us. The complete run down of the characters as of the moment are Aquaman, Atrocitus, Batman, Blue Beetle, Flash, Gorilla Grodd, Supergirl, Superman, and Wonder Woman.
In an interview by Dual Pixels with Ed Boon, he discussed the characters and the new feature they put for added gaming experience. "I think we started off with what people would expect us to do, a bigger roster with characters we couldn't include in the last game, going deeper into the DC roster. I guess the biggest thing that we added is what we call the gear system, which is a whole system of acquiring gear pieces which power up your character and this constant search for the best version of your character," he said.
A player can loot items and constantly search for gears that can make his character more upgraded in 'pursuit for your ultimate version.'
"So, you have Batman, and you can make him a little bit better if you find the special gauntlets that increase his damage, a little bit more effective. You can find a utility belt that makes his interaction with the backgrounds more effective. So you are constantly doing the drop system like loot drops," he further reiterated.
Injustice 2 is expected to be released on 2017.