At the heels of the historic nuclear deal entered by Iran and six world powers including the United States, Iran's Supreme Leader released a book on a very controversial topic: the destruction of Israel.
This week, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei published his new, strongly worded 416-page book entitled "Palestine," where he detailed how Iran intends to outwit and destroy Israel based on "well-established Islamic principles."
The book, which is only available in Iran, credits Khamenei as "the flagbearer of Jihad to liberate Jerusalem."
In his book, Iran's Supreme Leader used three powerful words to describe how Israel will cease to exist: "nabudi" (annihilation), "imha" (fading out), and "zaval" (effacement).
The ayatollah also described Israel as a loyal "ally of the American Great Satan" and a key element in the "evil scheme" to dominate "the heartland of the Ummah."
He added that Israel, which he called "kaffir al-harbi" (a hostile infidel) and "a cancerous tumour," need to be destroyed for having waged war on Muslims several times.
He also described Israel as "adou" (enemy) and "doshman" (foe) for occupying Jerusalem, which he labelled as "Islam's third Holy City."
Khamenei suggested a very specific way of wiping Israel off the map. He said instead of pursuing "classical wars" or a "massacre of the Jews," a long period of low-intensity warfare should be launched, so that life for Israelis will become so unpleasant that they will start leaving the country.
He made this suggestion while noting that most Israelis have double nationalities, and will flee to the United States or Europe if life becomes too uncomfortable in their own country.
Khamenei also advocated for a so-called "Israel fatigue," which he said will prompt the international community to start looking for "a practical and logical mechanism" to end Israel's existence as a country.