Is the world really turning into a place where Christian teachings against homosexuality no longer matter?
In a surprising move, the predominantly Roman Catholic nation of Mexico recently announced that it intends to join a coalition of 19 other countries belonging to the United Nations that are leading efforts to promote the political agenda of the LGBT community.
This coalition known as the "LGBT Core Group" also comprises Argentina, Brazil, Croatia, France, Israel, Japan, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway and United States as its members. The mission of the group, founded in 2007, is to combat discrimination against homosexuals.
Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto himself aired his intention to lead efforts to change provisions in his country's Constitution to allow homosexuals and transsexuals to "marry" people of the same sex.
Peña Nieto also ordered several federal agencies such as the education department to undertake efforts to fight homophobia, and to conduct "diversity" trainings in the nation's schools.
The Mexican leader is also planning to change resident passports to indicate whatever gender identity is assigned to the user, regardless of his biological sex.
As expected, Mexican religious leaders and family rights advocates were not pleased with their government's decision to support the gay agenda.
Catholic bishop José María De la Torre Martín from the Aguascalientes state in north-central Mexico, for instance, questioned why many governments around the world are supporting the minority voice of homosexuals.
"These minority lobbies, with surprising success, have been imposing their agenda by leveraging the United Nations Organization with our countries, aided by immense funding. They support supposed rights and equality: they themselves are those who finance abortion and other atrocities," Martin was quoted by LifeSiteNews as saying.
A newly formed coalition called the National Front for the Family meanwhile pledged to block pro-gay proposals from the Mexican government.
The group also vowed to push for an amendment in the Mexican Constitution that will restrict marriage to a union between man and woman.