It is never too late to renew one's faith in God, says Billy Graham as he cites parable of the prodigal son

Billy Graham says 'God has never lost His love for you.' (Facebook/Billy Graham)

World-renowned evangelist Billy Graham says people might have abandoned God, but He is always there, ready to welcome His children back anytime and offer them His unconditional love and protection.

A man wrote to Graham, telling him that he has always prided himself on standing on his own two feet without ever relying on God. But a serious medical condition has shattered his world and now he realises that he does need God. However, his previous attitude makes him fearful of the reception God has in store for him. "Has God abandoned me because of my attitude?" he asked.

Graham answered that God's love is similar to the love exhibited by the father in the parable of the prodigal son, which can be found in Luke 15:11-32.

"In it Jesus told about a young man who wanted to be completely independent and live his own life. He turned his back on his family, and went as far away as he could get. He was convinced he didn't need anyone else telling him how to live—and for a time it looked like he was right," Graham said. "But then a famine hit and his money ran out. Only when he hit bottom did he wake up and realize his foolishness. His only choice, he realized, was either to die or return home."

The prodigal son worried that his father might reject him, since he abandoned his father without a second thought. But having nowhere else to go, the prodigal son travelled back home, said Graham. Much to his surprise, his father ran to greet him and welcomed him warmly back into the family.

"Just as the father in Jesus' parable never lost his love for his son, so God has never lost His love for you," Graham said. "The proof is that Jesus Christ gave His life for your salvation. Don't let your pride, or anything else, keep you from Him any longer, but by faith put your life and your future into Christ's hands."

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