America's legendary comedian Jerry Lewis was not being funny at all when he blasted President Barack Obama for his foreign policy "uncertainty," told Syrian refugees "to stay where the hell they are," and praised Donald Trump for his 'showmanship."
The 89-year-old film icon shared his thoughts in a recent interview with the Catholic network EWTN, Breitbart News reported.
Appearing on Raymond Arroyo's show "The World Over," Lewis expressed disappointment that a coalition of nations committed to fighting terrorism had not yet succeeded in defeating the Islamic State (ISIS), a band of Islamic radicals who have been committing atrocious acts in their captured territories and terrorist acts overseas.
"Where are all of our NATO allies? Why don't I have Germany, and Italy, and Great Britain, why don't I have all of them, including Spain, doing something?" Lewis said. "Get all of your military together, bring that military to our military, and wipe 'em out. They're asking to be stopped. And we're not stopping them, we're just reporting what they're doing. It's ridiculous."
Lewis was then asked on his views on the refugee crisis.
"Refugees should stay where the hell they are," the comedian retorted. "Hey, nobody has worked harder for the human condition than I have, but they're not part of the human condition. If 11 guys in that group of 10,000 are ISIS, how can I take the chance? I don't want to lose another Frenchman or another Englishman."
On Obama's performance, Lewis tried to be understanding but remained unimpressed.
"You can't really knock the president per se," he said, "because he was never given to understand that's out there. He was never prepared for it. What I'm watching in him is uncertainty. And you don't have uncertainty in a leader. A leader doesn't give a s–t what he does, but he gets it done."
On Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, Lewis was all praise.
"I think he's great," Lewis said. "He's a showman, and we've never had a showman in the president's chair."