It took a while for Ben and Jessa Seewald to pick out a name for their newborn son, but the Christian couple have finally decided on a name that he would be proud to carry for the rest of his life—Spurgeon Elliot Seewald.
The young couple told PEOPLE that their son is named after British preacher Charles Spurgeon, who became a well known preacher in England from 1834 to 1892. Ben considers Spurgeon as one of his personal heroes, and he often reads about the Baptist preacher's sermons and writings.
"One guy that has really impacted my life is a great preacher of the past, Charles Haddon Spurgeon," says Ben.
Meanwhile, their son's middle name is inspired by the late missionaries Jim and Elisabeth Elliot, who spread the Gospel in South America.
Jessa says while she and Ben were reflecting on the baby's name, they often veered towards the names "of heroes from the Christian faith."
"We want to give him a strong name, with a lot of meaning," she explains.
Her husband adds: "He is going to have this name for the rest of his life."
Spurgeon Elliot, who was nicknamed Quincy throughout Jessa's pregnancy, was born on Nov. 5, 2015—one day after Jessa celebrated her 23rd birthday. He measures 21 ½ inches long and weighs 9 lbs. 11 oz. – 1 oz. heavier than his cousin Israel David Dillard.
Jessa still can't get over the high of being with her baby boy after nine months of carrying him inside her belly. On her Instagram account (@jessaseewald), the new mom is happily sharing photos of her baby and their family.
"Can't believe my baby boy is already 1 week old! So grateful to God for this precious little gift!" she writes.