Jesus descended from heaven and wrapped her in His robe, a woman named Yvette Castillo revealed in a video testimony she posted on YouTube.
"When I saw that, I was in tears because I knew that God had made me clean," said Yvette, who now lives with his family in Houston, Texas, according to God Reports. "It was such a beautiful experience."
That was the culmination of Yvette's redemption story, which began when she was still a homeless teenager popping pills and drinking alcohol and who got herself pregnant. She found shelter among a group of drug addicts in abandoned house where she admitted to have been raped.
"I was trusting the drugs instead of trusted God to make me happy," Yvette said. "I thought it was an easier solution, but it wasn't."
Because she was raised by an alcoholic father and a mother who disappointed her, Yvette said she grew up hating people around her. She revealed that she even invoked the powers of darkness to give her "the power to hurt everyone, to stop people from messing with me."
"I didn't know that I was making a pact with the devil," she said.
Not even the birth of her child when she was just 14 years old stopped her from her "from doing bad things."
"Nobody could stop me," said Yvette, who admitted having two abortions.
She eventually became suicidal as she heard the voice of the devil laughing: "This is where I wanted you. We're going to destroy you and your children."
In her despondency, she went to church together with her equally messed up daughter and cried out to God.
A pastor approached her and told her: "God just wants you to know that you and Him are good. He doesn't hold anything against you."
She said the pastor's words of love and acceptance melted her heart of stone.
"I felt so much lighter. It was crazy. Something awoke inside of me that God spoke to me and said 'I love you,'" she said, crying out in tears, "I'm sorry, God!"
That was not the end of her story yet.
After some time, she left church and reverted back to her old sinful ways, once again taking drugs.
But one morning, Yvette woke up feeling it would be a new day. She went to a park to gather her thoughts.
"Something spoke to me: 'Worship God. Lift up your hands and worship God,'" she said. "That voice kept coming to and got so overwhelming."
She was them prompted to lift her hands. Then, "something began to happen. I started to cry and couldn't stop crying," she said.
"I started feeling the presence of God, his holiness, his love, his mercy. It was like I wasn't even at the park. I was in front of His throne. It was God.
"When I felt his presence, I started saying I'm so sorry for ever walking away. His forgiveness and love and mercy were just so beautiful. I felt a new creation born in me. God told me: You are no longer bound to sin, to addiction, to anxiety. I have rescued you from darkness."