No place on earth is too remote or too forbidding not to be reached by the miraculous power of the gospel and the Holy Spirit.
Armed only by their steadfast faith and dedication, an unidentified local missionary and his team of evangelists recently travelled to remote Indian villages populated by so-called "unreached people" belonging to the ethnic Bhuiya tribe, according to Christian Aid Mission.
The mission was a huge success. From February to April 2016, the evangelists shared the gospel with 2,800 people in 35 villages, leading to the conversion of 1,160 of them, 391 of whom were baptised. Moreover, they were able to plant 12 churches, the Christian Aid Mission states in its report.
Before the mission, a huge majority of the Bhuiya people practiced either Hinduism or animism, with "less than one-tenth of 1 percent" of them belonging to the Christian faith. The animists worship the earth, sun and ancestral spirits. Many Bhuiya people worship the cobra, with some calling it their mother.
But once they came to know about Jesus Christ and His miraculous power, many of the Bhuiya people had a sudden change of heart.
One of them named only as Anaya had been wandering the jungles for four years due to her alleged demonic influences and mental illness. When her family brought her to the evangelist, she was instantly cured of her illness.
With the evangelist serving as medium, the Holy Spirit touched Anaya's heart and "instantly the Lord delivered me from the grip of the evil spirits and healed me from my insane condition," she testified.
"Now I am absolutely normal and have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour and Lord. Now my entire family belongs to the family of God. Praise the Lord!" she said.
The missionary and his team also succeeded in converting a 90-year-old witchdoctor and a man named Vihaan who once worshipped the goddess Durga, the Hindu mother deity.
Vihaan said the evangelist shared to him Christ's love for the poor and needy, and "His authority over the devil and over all kinds of sicknesses."
When the missionary prayed for him upon his request, Vihaan said his chest pain and breathing problems which had afflicted him for many years suddenly vanished. "Immediately after the prayer, I experienced the power of God in my life, and the Lord removed all the pain from my life. Now I am absolutely normal and love the Lord and live for Him," he told Christian Aid Mission.
His entire family also embraced Jesus after that, he added.