As much as people try to maintain a semblance of peace in their lives, there will always be bad things happening that will inevitably get them upset or riled up.
Even though Christians might want to take a rest from experiencing all these bad scenarios, Pastor Joel Osteen of Lakewood Church says they can't. All they can do is make up their minds not to be affected by all the negativity and stay in peace.
"Life happens. There will be plenty of opportunities to wake up from that rest," he writes on his blog. "Even though people and circumstances may bypass that 'Do Not Disturb' sign [you have put up], you have the final say. You have to dig your heels in and say, 'No, I'm staying at rest. I know God is still on the throne. I'm not going to lose my peace over something I cannot change.'"
Oftentimes, Osteen says Christians let small things pull them out of rest. Whenever they get caught up in traffic, get hurt by a rude co-worker, or become the victim of malicious gossip, they lose their sense of peace and have a difficult time getting back in the zone.
"Don't let that get on the inside," he advises. "You'll never keep away all the peace stealers. If you're waiting for them to change, traffic to change, or your boss to change, then you'll live stressed and worried your whole life. They may never change. But here's the good news: You can change. You can enter into this rest."
Putting up a "Do Not Disturb" sign does not guarantee that peace-stealers will not interrupt one's life. But Osteen says that a person who has a ready heart will be able to handle life's curveballs better. "Despite what comes against you, make up your mind that you're going to stay in peace," he says.