Jordan King Abdullah warns of '3rd world war against humanity,' calls for cohesive action vs. ISIS

Jordan's King Abdullah speaks during the opening of the third ordinary session of the 17th Parliament in Amman, Jordan, November 15, 2015. Reuters

Jordan's King Abdullah has warned of a "third world war against humanity" and the need for countries to act fast and holistically to tackle and respond to the interconnected threats by extremist groups.

Abdullah issued the warning during his official visit to Kosovo where he said both Europe and Islam were under attacks by the Islamic State (ISIS) and its partners in various parts of the world, according to a report by

"We are facing a third world war against humanity and this is what brings us all together," he said in a press conference, the report said.

The Jordanian monarch also said the Paris attacks last week show that the "scourge of terrorism'' is indiscriminate and "can strike anywhere and at any time.''

"This is a war, as I've said repeatedly, within Islam and unfortunately over 100,000 Muslims have been murdered by Daesh (ISIS) alone over the past two years, and that doesn't also count for the atrocities like-minded groups have also done in Africa and Asia,'' he said.

"So therefore we must act fast and holistically to tackle and respond to the interconnected threats whether it is in this region, Africa, Asia or in Europe," the King stressed.

Abdullah's remarks came after the deadly incidents claimed by the terror group, including the bomb attack on the Russian airplane over Egypt's North Sinai that resulted in the death of all 224 on board, the suicide bombings in Beirut suburb that claimed 43 lives, and the Friday the 13th attacks in Paris that killed 129 people.

Jordan, like France is among countries under the U.S.-led coalition seeking to annihilate ISIS. It has launched several airstrikes against the terror group, which controls swathes of land in its neighbours Iraq and Syria.

On Sunday, Abdullah said fighting extremism was "our fight as Muslims against those who aim to turn our societies and future generations towards fanaticism and extremism.''

Since the civil war broke out in Syria in 2011, the Muslim country has reportedly taken in 1.4 million Syrians. Reports from the UNHCR, however, said the figure was only 600,000.

At least 250,000 people have died in more than four years of conflict in Syria, according to news reports.

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