By all indications, it would seem that today's civilisation is reverting to the days of Noah when God ultimately condemned the world for its wickedness, unleashing a great flood that wiped out evil and restarted life, according to Ken Ham, the head of the Answers in Genesis ministry.
Writing for WND, Ham says wickedness is increasing in today's world as people ignore the teachings of God. "As we look at our Western culture today, Christians see many similarities to the wicked days of Noah," he says.
He quotes Genesis 6:5: "Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually."
Ham cites instances of this growing wickedness in today's world:
1 - Millions of human beings are being murdered in their mothers' wombs because of the widespread practice of abortion, which is legal in America. Since 1973, around 58 million children have been killed by abortion, "making the Holocaust pale in comparison," Ham says.
2 - The homosexual movement is growing bigger and bigger. The U.S. Supreme Court has even legalised same-sex marriage.
3 - Atheists are getting bolder, more aggressive and intolerant, mocking Christians and attacking them.
4 - Many Christian leaders are compromising God's Word, watering down God's authority.
5 - The U.S. education system has eliminated the Bible, prayer, creation and God itself from the classroom. At the same time, legislators and judges protect those who teach the "anti-God religion of evolution" and heed the atheists' call for the removal of Nativity scenes, crosses and Ten Commandments displays in public places.
Ham also cites the prophecy of Matthew 24: "But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be."
So far, God has not yet unleashed His fury. "But He is not going to remain silent. As in the days of Noah, the time will come when God closes the door of salvation and brings judgment to deal with mankind's rebellion," Ham warns.
With the doomsday clock ticking, he says Christians should "take advantage of every opportunity to share the Gospel, warning people to repent before it's too late."
Ham says this is the reason why Answers in Genesis is building a life-size, evangelistic Ark—"to point a rebellious people to the modern-day Ark of salvation, Jesus Christ."
This the Ark Encounter, a one-of-a-kind, historically themed amusement park in Williamstown, Kentucky that is set to open on July 7 this year.