This week, full-page ads promoting abortion appeared in more than 20 local and national newspapers in the United States, supposedly supported by a group called "Catholics for Choice." A Roman Catholic official, however, immediately clarified that the Church has nothing to do with these ads.
In a statement, New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan described the advertisements advocating the killing of innocent babies — which appeared in Politico, the Nation, the Chicago Sun-Times and the Philadelphia Inquirer — as "deceptive" and "extreme."
Dolan, the chairman of the U.S. bishops' Committee on Pro-Life Activities, also criticised the ads for promoting abortion "as if it were a social good." He maintained that abortion "kills the most defenceless among us, harms women, and tears at the heart of families."
He also reminded Christians of Pope Francis' teachings that life should always be protected at all cost, from conception to natural death.
The cardinal further maintained that public funds should never be used to support abortion procedures.
"Pushing for public funding would force all taxpaying Americans to be complicit in the violence of abortion and an industry that puts profit above the well-being of women and children," Dolan said, as quoted by The Catholic Herald.
The cardinal said public funds are better spent on local pregnancy centres that take care of mothers and infants.
He also stressed that the group called Catholics for a Free Choice, which released the pro-abortion ads, is not affiliated either formally or informally to the Roman Catholic Church.
Dolan added that using the name Catholic to promote the taking away of innocent lives not only offends the faithful but also muddles public discourse on the abortion issue.
"The organisation rejects and distorts Catholic social teaching – and actually attacks its foundation," he said.