Kim Kardashian (West) has been vocal about her pregnancy, constantly updating social media about her progress. Now that she's given birth to her second baby, Saint, the reality star is all about her weight loss journey.
On Monday night, the socialite shared via live streaming on her website her weight during pregnancy and how she intended to lose it, ABC News reported. She even took to Twitter to announce the invitation to view her discussion.
According to Kardashian, she put on 60 pounds when she was pregnant with husband Kanye West's second child. When she reached the end of the last trimester, she weighed 190 pounds.
Kardashian intends to lose her baby weight so she can finally weigh 120 pounds, her ideal weight. To achieve that, the "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" star needs to shed off 70 pounds, but as of the moment, she already lost 17, considered to be an impressive feat.
And her secret? Kardashian said that breastfeeding helped in her weight loss journey.
During the live stream chat, Kardashian had been away from the camera as she's not ready to reveal herself yet, ABC News continued. However, the star mentioned that soon, she will show herself to the public.
The brunette may have been on social media when she was pregnant, but she implied that this time, she wants to take a break from posting anything about herself. "I know I have been on social media a little bit, but I wanted this time to not have to care or post something about myself," she said.
Talking about baby weight is nothing new for Mrs. West. When she was still carrying daughter, North, she also put on a lot of weight, but she admitted that losing weight then wasn't as hard as it is now.
Kardashian gave birth to Saint on Dec. 5, which is earlier than the expected due date. Still, Saint is a healthy, bouncing baby boy.