I'm a big fan of running, and while I'm not really that good at it, I've had my fair share of experiences with long runs. The longest run I've done was twenty-one kilometers, and boy did it hurt. But it felt so good reaching the finish line that I actually almost cried when the crowd with cheering people was already in sight.
Prior to the race, I was deep in preparations, and one of the decisions that was hard for me to make was what to bring during the race. Obviously I couldn't leave my phone (I don't think anyone leaves their phone even in a race anymore) and I had to wear running gear and shoes. But aside from that, I brought nothing else. It would look completely silly if I had to bring my MacBook Pro and some books to keep me busy while running.
In our life, it's no different. We're in this intensely long race and we need to cast every weight aside, but we're stuck with the decision of what to bring. Hebrews 12:1 tells us, "Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us" (ESV).
We are to lay aside every weight and sin that entangles us, stopping us from finishing the race. What weight is holding you back from finishing the race of life strong? For many people, it's their past failures and brokenness.
As a church leader of thirteen years, I have met too many people who are held down by the weight of their past mistakes. Past addictions, past relationships, past career failures, and many other past experiences that may not be desirable. I've also met people who are held back by their past successes to the point that they have remained comfortable in no longer looking for future successes.
God calls us to lay aside every weight. Back in that long race I did, I had a bag with me where I left my wallet, change of clothes, and car keys. Luckily enough, the race coordinators provided a truck where we could safely leave our belongings. That's who Jesus is. He's that race coordinator who says, "leave your stuff with me as you run this race."
Jesus calls us to lay at the foot of the cross everything that holds us back from finishing this race strong. As we lay down every weight to Him—our fears, failures, anxieties and worries—and stop looking back, we can run this race and we will finish strong.