A new website has been launched by the Church of England to help people decide whether they want to leave a "lasting gift" to their local church in their will.
Legacies are a valuable source of income for churches. In 2011, they contributed £44.8 million to parish income - almost £3,000 per parish church per year.
The Church Legacy website - at www.churchlegacy.org.uk - provides useful information on leaving a legacy, including example wording for wills, and information for solicitors and PCCs.
Church Legacy also shares parish stories where a legacy gift has helped transform a church's future.
Eleanor Gill, National Legacy and Funding Officer, said gifts in wills were a "lifeline" for churches, enabling them to grow their ministry to young people, preserve and refurbish their buildings, and support the community.
"Legacies are a fundamental part of stewardship and our Christian giving," she said.
"Leaving a gift in your will is one of the most valuable and lasting ways you can give thanks to God for the gifts of your life and lifetime.