Let's talk about Brexit: Churches plan conversations ahead of Article 50 being triggered next week

Ahead of the triggering of Article 50 on March 29, four of the UK's largest Christian Churches, representing three quarters of a million members, are inviting their congregations to take part in topical discussions across the UK.

Churches are being invited to take part in 'constructive conversations about the sort of society we would wish to live in, and hope to leave to future generations'.

The conversations will be held by local Baptist, Methodist, United Reformed and Church of Scotland congregations.

They are being promoted by the Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT), through which the four Churches work together on issues of justice and inequality.

JPIT has created an online 'resource pack' for the discussions.

Baptist Minister Phil Jump, who is coordinating the initiative and is an adviser to JPIT, said: 'Conversations are important at any time but the extraordinary recent political events have made the need more pressing. The EU Referendum campaign has left some mourning the loss of an important identity, while others are delighted by the opportunities that lie ahead.

'The process of leaving the European Union means making many important decisions that will shape the UK for years to come. By taking part in these conversations, people will discuss a vital underlying question – what kind of society should we be seeking to create?'

Four areas of discussion are suggested in the initiative: 'What sort of society do we want to leave for future generations? How should we treat others? How should we use our resources? How should we make decisions?'

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