'Little People, Big World' news: Jeremy and Audrey still expecting after said due date

A promotional image of the cast from "Little People, Big World." Facebook/TLC/LittlePeopleBigWorld

It has been a few days after Audrey Roloff of "Little People, Big World" was supposed to give birth, but it looks like her doctor's predictions were wrong. She is about to pop anytime, but she is still looking as spritely as ever.

An Instagram fan page posted that Jeremy and Audrey Roloff are indeed still expecting. The photo was posted three days after the predicted birth date of their new child, which was supposed to be on Aug. 31. The photo had the caption "Still no baby yet!" as fans assured each other that it really does take some time for first-time mothers to be punctual with their birthing. It would appear that the delay is a natural side-effect for first pregnancies.

In another report, Inquisitr stated that the happy couple spent their Sept. 2 Sunday afternoon going around the family's pumpkin farm as they patiently waited for their first-born to come into the world. This was probably a set precaution for them to be ready to leave as soon as possible — but the baby is still in Audrey's tummy. The couple happily shared their photos and clips to concerned fans through their social media accounts.

Later on in that day, the couple even got a little bit adventurous as they rode an all-terrain vehicle (ATV). The couple seemed genuinely happy as they spent the final few moments of the pregnancy. Despite the questions that the couple receive on a daily basis, they are most probably more anxious than the fans as they await for their baby.

According to Us Weekly, Jeremy and Audrey have a name for the baby girl in mind, but have not really stuck with it. The baby's name is still subject to change, and will most certainly be revealed when the baby is born. Additionally, the couple expressed that the events leading up to the birth of their child is welcome for documentation, but they would want some privacy for the actual birth.

There is no definite schedule as of now, but TLC is looking to release the new season of "Little People, Big World" this month.

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