Netflix has finally given the go signal for the fifth season of "Longmire," which will consist of ten episodes.
This serves as great news for all the viewers, who were worried that Netflix won't renew the show. But now that season 5 has been confirmed, as reported by TVLine, rumors about the show start to surface.
BREATHEcast gathered that the upcoming season will be released in September 2016 and production will start in spring. Although that date has to be confirmed, it's clear that writing the scripts is ongoing.
Tony Tost, the show writer, has been actively updating on Twitter, implying that the writers' room is up and running. Early this month, Tost kept posting what music is currently playing while inside the room. For instance, he tweeted on Dec. 10, "Playing today in the Longmire writer's room: John Moreland "Hang Me in the Tulsa County Stars."
Tost also took to Twitter to address the rumors surrounding the show. One fan tweeted that he read an article about "Longmire" season 5 being "all gloom & doom & pain," and that he might decide to stop watching.
Fortunately, Tost cleared the air and said that season 5 will not be darker or more violent, and explained that the production team only aims to "tell a good story."
Season 5 is indeed bound to be a good story, knowing how much of a cliffhanger the last season was.
In the finale episode of season 4, Walt Longmire (Robert Taylor) was enjoying a romantic moment with newfound love, Donna Sue Monahan (Ally Walker). Their moment was cut short when someone broke into Longmire's house.
Fans are excited to know who that person was, but speculations suggest that Walker Browning (Callum Keith Rennie) was responsible for the intrusion since he was seen out of his hospital bed.
Jacob Nighthorse (A Martinez), Zachary (Barry Sloane), and Sam Poteet (Hank Cheyne) were also considered for the crime, as reported in Christian Post. However, it's hard to pinpoint who the culprit really is knowing that Walt is the kind of person who has many enemies.