A pastor in Destrehan, Louisiana told his congregation over the weekend that aborted babies will be reunited with Jesus Christ.
During his weekend televangelism broadcast, Pastor Jesse Duplantis of Covenant Church said the babies would be resurrected in the rapture, Raw Story reported.
"We're starting all over, it's going to be blessed," said Duplantis as response to a question by a viewer who asked if "children and babies go up in the rapture."
Duplantis said God does not lose babies, even the aborted ones.
"All children, all babies, all people are not of the age of accountability. God doesn't lose babies, even aborted babies — if the world [doesn't] accept them, God accepts them and brings them in the very presence of who He is. It's going to be a wonderful time," he said.
When asked how viewers could physically interact with Jesus after the Second Coming, he said all can touch Jesus.
"Can we touch Jesus? Yes. Can we actually go up to Him and hug Him? Yes! And can we speak to Him? Yes! That's what's so wonderful about Heaven. We can't do that now in what I call these Adam-like bodies here, these natural bodies, but you will be able to come up to Him and hug Him and just bless Him," he said.
Duplantis said he personally experienced going to heaven in the 1980s.
"I saw that. I saw children run up to Jesus and just grab him. Isn't that nice? It was so wonderful," he said.
In his book and DVD titled "Heaven: Close Encounters of the God Kind," Duplantis narrated how God appeared in his bedroom.
"The wind began blowing in our room. At first I thought it was the air-conditioning unit. But then it got stronger, so strong in fact that the curtains started flying up over the rods. When this happened, I was lying on my stomach. I could feel the wind blowing through my body. It was going out my eyes, under my fingernails and out the pores of my skin. I just lost all strength and felt pinned to my bed," he wrote, according to Patheos.
He added, "What's happening? I thought. Then I heard a Voice speaking audibly, saying, 'You asked to see Me; turn around!' This was an awesome experience! Still lying there, I said, 'God!' Twice more, He said to me, 'You asked to see Me; turn around.'"