A man accidentally shoots himself and his wife during a church group discussion about gun violence inside the house of God. The incident occurred in Tennessee last Thursday (Nov. 16). Both the man, 81, and his wife, 80, sustained minor injuries and are going to make full recovery.
The accidental shooting took place in the First United Methodist Church in the town of Tellico Plains in Tennessee. A group of elders were exchanging their opinions about guns and gun violence inside the church.
During the session, the man decided to show his gun to everyone as an example. Before distributing the weapon to the other members, the man managed to remove the magazine for safety. Once the gun was handed back to him, he immediately put the magazine back and secured the weapon into his holster.
However, one man asked to see the gun. In the middle of pulling the gun out of his pocket, the man accidentally pulled the trigger resulting to the firing of one round.
The man accidentally shot himself in the hand and his wife's abdomen. The couple quickly received medical treatment and are now in stable condition.
Before the shooting went down, it was confirmed that the group was discussing the tragic mass shooting in early November at a rural church in Texas. On Nov. 5, a man unloaded his weapon inside the First Baptist Church in Sutherlands Springs. A total of 26 people were killed in the shooting and it was considered as the deadliest mass shooting at a house of worship. Among the 26 victims was an unborn child.
President of the United States Donald Trump released a statement through Twitter after the horrifying incident. Trump wrote " May God be w/ the people of Sutherland Springs, Texas. The FBI & law enforcement are on the scene. I am monitoring the situation from Japan."