The latest trailer for "Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite" reveals the final infinity stone in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The soul stone helps players in the middle of battle by stealing their opponents' health and resurrecting their teammates.
The trailer premiered on Aug. 22. While it only shows the soul stone's powers in action, a fan-made video by Maximilian Dood does the job of detailing the final infinity stone's powers.
Players who select the soul stone during battle will be able to slowly steal from their opponent's health and add it to their own life bar.
When the stone is selected before a battle, the Infinity Surge move becomes an option. The Infinity Surge move is a long-ranged, whip-like attack that drains opponents' health by a large margin when it lands. It also recovers the opponent's lost health for the player.
Initiating the Infinity Storm will resurrect a teammate that has been knocked out, but only with 20% health. The teammate will survive well after the Infinity Storm subsides for as long as they are not knocked out by the opponent again.
Whether alive or dead, an Infinity Storm will place both of the player's characters on the screen allowing them to be controlled at the same time.
Maximilian Dood notes, however, the stone's downside. Activating the Infinity Storm may allow both of the players' characters to attack at the same time, but it also opens the two characters to attacks from their opponent.
The soul stone is the sixth and final of the infinity stones. In the Marvel Comic Book Universe, the infinity stones are remnants of the big bang explosion carrying a power that doesn't otherwise exist on earth.
The five other stones have all made an appearance in at least one film from the Marvel Cinematic Universe: the space stone (tesseract), reality stone (aether), power stone (orb), mind stone (vision, also seen in Loki's scepter), and the time stone (the Eye of Agamotto).
A confirmed list of characters that will be featured in the game includes Spider-Man, Captain America, Iron Man, The Hulk, Thor, Doctor Strange, Gamora, and Hawkeye.
"Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite" will be released on Sept. 19 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.