Brace yourselves, "Marvel's Jessica Jones" fans. The series' upcoming season 2 is set to welcome back a notable supervillain from the titular hero's (Krysten Ritter) past.
Entertainment Weekly confirmed that David Tennant will reprise his role as the mind-controlling supervillain, Kilgrave. While in-depth details of his involvement remain under wraps, the character is expected to torment the private investigator once more.
Since the character has already been killed off in the show, Kilgrave might come back through flashbacks or hallucinations. Apparently, Jessica's post-traumatic anxiety does not simply go away in a snap.
In a past interview with SyFy Wire, Ritter said the win against Kilgrave is both a good and a bad thing. Since overcoming Kilgrave was the engine that drove the entire first season, the next installment will see Jessica figuring out who she is without him.
"I don't think that the past trauma just goes away with his death," Ritter, 35, explained. "He's the reason why she got up, every day. He's the reason why she went out in the world. It really gave her a purpose. So, her head space is really complex."
While waiting for season 2 to arrive, fans can check out Ritter in "Marvel's The Defenders." The story will unfold over a period of 48 hours and will see Jessica, Luke Cage (Mike Colter), Matt Murdock/Daredevil (Charlie Cox) and Danny Rand/Iron Fist (Finn Jones) teaming up to save New York City from an ancient organization called The Hand, headed by Alexandra (Sigourney Weaver).
"We're all kind of brought together not through choice, but through necessity," Jones said at Comicpalooza 2017 in Houston, Texas last May. "We don't want to work with each other, but our backs are against the wall and we kind of have to."
"Marvel's The Defenders" is scheduled to be released on Netflix this Friday, Aug. 18.