As far as Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee is concerned, US President Barack Obama is not really a Christian but only pretends to be one since his actions contradict everything a true Christian believes in and stands up for.
Huckabee did not actually mention the name of Obama when he was interviewed by Newsmax TV, but it was very clear he was referring to the president when he said: "I'm also concerned about a guy that believes he's a Christian and pretends to be and then says he is but does things that makes it very difficult for people to practice their Christian faith. I'm disappointed if a person who says, 'I'm a Christian,' but you invite the pope into your home and then you invite a whole bunch of people who are at odds with the Catholic Church policy."
Huckabee added that there's something "very unseemly" about the way Obama invited transgender activists, the first openly gay US Episcopal bishop, and an activist nun whose organisation supports abortion to meet with Pope Francis during the pontiff's first visit, since it puts the Pope in a tough spot.
No plans to quit White House race
Meanwhile, Huckabee affirmed that he has no plans of quitting the 2016 Republican presidential race, saying, "We're in this for the long haul; we're in this to win it."
"We know that this is a process that you have to be very careful how you use your money, use it wisely, be frugal, spend it like you are spending the taxpayers' money — and like they wish that Congress would spend it," he said.
However, Huckabee believes that he will not get to the top by attacking frontrunner Donald Trump.
"I don't agree that it's my job to go after one of the other Republicans," Huckabee said. "My job is to play the best game that I can because I want to be the quarterback of the team. So does everybody else. But the best way for me to be the quarterback is to play a better game, not break the legs of one of the other guys at tryouts."