Mike Huckabee slams 'repulsive, revolting, stomach-churning' sale of foetal body parts

Mike Huckabee says 'destroying innocent human life and harvesting human organs is beyond barbaric — it is unimaginably immoral, grotesque, and evil.' Reuters

Presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee has joined many individuals and organizations in condemning abortion service provider Planned Parenthood after an undercover video showed one of its officials casually talking about the illegal sale of foetal body parts.

Huckabee was enraged over the casual manner in which the Planned Parenthood official discussed an illegal abortion procedure and the sale of baby body parts.

"Planned Parenthood has proven to be a repulsive, revolting, stomach-churning enterprise that should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Destroying innocent human life and harvesting human organs is beyond barbaric — it is unimaginably immoral, grotesque, and evil," he told Breitbart News.

"What makes America unique is our respect and sanctity of the value of every single human being. Planned Parenthood does not represent these values and deprives millions of children of their God-given right to life and liberty," Huckabee added.

In the video, Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood's senior director of medical research was seen discussing the abortion procedure with two undercover activists posing as buyers from a biotech company. "We've been very good at getting heart, lung, liver... I'm not gonna crush that part," she casually said. "I'm going to basically crush below, I'm not gonna crush above, and I am gonna see if I can get it all intact."

Planned Parenthood Vice President of Communications Eric Fererro fumed against the release of the video, saying it was politically motivated and "heavily edited." But the company's president Cecile Richards expressed a different tone in her statement, and even offered an apology for the comments made by their staff members, saying that the statements made does not "reflect" the "compassionate care" that they provide to the women who seek their services.

"This is unacceptable, and I personally apologise for the staff member's tone and statements," Richards said.

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