Millions of Christians Around the World Celebrate Easter
In Jerusalem's Old City, many carried large wooden crosses and walked the same route that Jesus took on his way to the crucifixion on Good Friday, the day Jesus was crucified and died.
Candles were lit along the route with many singing hymns in languages from around the world including English, Latin and Hindi.
Orthodox and Catholic Church representatives visited the ancient Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the place where historians believe Jesus was stripped, crucified, and finally laid to rest before being resurrected on Easter Sunday.
At the same time in Rome, tens of thousands arrived from across the world to take part in the Easter week celebrations, which will climax when Pope Benedict XVI will give his traditional blessing and message - the Urbi et Orbi - to pilgrims.
On Good Friday, the Pope, dressed in white robes led rites at the Colosseum in Rome, to commemorate the suffering that Jesus had to endure on the path of the cross.
On Saturday evening, the Pope will give a midnight mass in St Peter's Basilica, which will commence with a huge light being erected - a symbol of Christ resurrecting on Easter Sunday.