One of the most anticipated additions from Minecraft 8.1 is the new achievement offered by the latest installment. Reports reveal that players will be offered the new achievement "Overpowered", which will be obtained by crafting an "enchanted golden apple".
The difficulty level of the game is now set per world. This means that the global difficulty option has been eliminated by the makers. In addition, this new feature will be able to prevent gamers from accidentally switching the difficulty when entering the world.
Apart from these benefits of this feature, the difficulty attribute can be locked for each world. This signifies that the players will be blocked from opting for an easier difficulty level when encountering challenging situations.
With respect to the video settings of the updated version, the alternative block toggle will be available. This setting can control the alternative block models. If the user opts to turn off this setting, then the least intricate highest priority model will be constantly used for each block. In terms of using the VBOs toggle, this can enable or disable the vertex buffer objects. If the user opts to turn this option on, then the performance will be increased by 10%.
In addition, the upgraded version has eliminated the anisotropic filtering. Furthermore, the render distance slider is increased to 32 when using 64-bit Java. However, this necessitates 2GB of apportioned RAM.
The new "creeper" shader employs a green tint. This new feature is used when spectating from the viewpoint of a creeper. Another new shader is the "spider" shader, which is featured in the octuplet vision. This shader is employed when spectating from the standpoint of a spider. Both new shaders may be applied using Super Secret Settings.