How do you explain something that is unexplainable, something like a miracle?
It cannot be explained through science, for sure, because it's something spiritual, something beyond science.
However, a new documentary simply titled "Miracles" tries to answer all the relevant questions regarding miracles, those extraordinary events of spiritual nature that have captivated people's attention for thousands of years.
Produced by St. Anthony Communications, the 35-minute film on DVD explains "what miracles are, how people can know if they are real and true, and what their purpose is," Christian Holden, the company's managing director, told the Catholic News Agency.
Holden says they made the film with the hope of reminding Christians that miracles are central to their faith since Christianity is based upon the biggest miracle of all—Jesus' resurrection.
"Without that miracle of miracles," he said, "Christianity ceases to exist as a religion."
The film discusses ancient and contemporary miracles, covering those written in the Old Testament, during the life of Christ, and the lives of the saints.
It also includes more modern miracles such as Marian apparitions, Eucharistic miracles like the bleeding Host in Lanciano, Italy, and even those yet to be approved by the Vatican.
The miracles are analysed on scientific, theological, and philosophical perspectives, giving viewers a thorough understanding of the subject.
Equipped with this information, the viewers will hopefully be able to discern which miracles are genuine and which are fake, Holden says.
Miracles "have an end purpose of leading us toward our salvation, leading us closer to God," he says.
Holden says the film is suitable for all ages and for all kinds of people and groups. Churches can use it for catechesis and evangelisation. People can share it with their family and friends. Christians can watch it to bolster their faith. Christians could share it with nonbelievers and doubters to challenge their beliefs and hopefully introduce them to Christ.
The DVD is available online at saintant.com.