Amid the endless stream of tragedies happening all over the world, bright rays of hope are emerging from the darkened sky.
These rays are the revival fires breaking out in American cities, indicating that "God is forgiving our sin and healing our land," says Christian author Jennifer LeClaire.
In her op-ed piece for Charisma News, the director of the Awakening House of Prayer cites at least four major events in America this year where God manifested and is still manifesting His glorious presence by way of healing and other miracles.
She calls these events the "San Diego's Fire and Glory Outpouring" (in San Diego, California), "The West Coast Rumble" (in Seattle, Washington), "The Appalachian Awakening" (along the West Virginia-Kentucky border)" and "Azusa Now Ripples" (in Los Angeles, California).
During the San Diego conference in January this year, LeClaire says miracles were reported including several cases of stage 4 cancer, birth defects and glaucoma healed.
Miracles also happened during the Seattle Revival Center gathering in Newcastle, Washington early this year. In one of the reported miracles, a woman who had her breast removed in cancer surgery felt it growing back.
Meanwhile in the so-called "Appalachian Awakening," the revival going on at the West Virginia-Kentucky border is leading to the salvation of thousands, LeClaire says. In two weeks of preaching, at least 3,000 youngsters responded to one evangelist's salvation message and became evangelists themselves. They are now Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms to encourage other youth to join the revival party.
LeClaire considers April 9 as the "turning point for the nation" since on that day "something shifted" in Los Angeles, California, with the holding of Lou Engle's Azusa Now prayer event. On the same day, United Cry gathered 30,000 pastors in Washington, D.C.
Cal Pierce, director of the International Association of Healing Rooms in Spokane, Washington, told LeClaire that "prior to Azusa Now, the body of Christ was so concerned about the future and looking at the elections and global economies."
Pierce said he saw more miracles in the 30 days after Azusa Now than he did in the first 16 years of the Healing Rooms ministries.
One of these miracles happened to a little boy who was born with his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck. Doctors had already given up hope of saving the boy. But a Healing Rooms team prayed and Little Wyatt was healed, Pierce said.
One thing remarkable, LeClaire says, is that when Pierce preaches, people begin to testify of healings without anyone laying hands on them.
"We're seeing these types of miracles now on a continuous basis—things our eyes haven't seen and things our ears haven't heard before," Pierce said.