Christian faith has brought new hope, forgiveness and a freedom from fear to Muslim converts to Christianity living in refugee camps, according to RT.

"I've been spat on, told that I've betrayed Islam. But through what I have learned, I can forgive them," one man who was recently baptised in Hamburg, Germany, told RT.
"Since I became a Christian I fear no one," a young woman said.
Germany has accepted more than one million refugees since 2015.
There have been reports that Christian refugees are being psychologically abused, physically mistreated and denied food at Muslim-dominated camps in Germany.
Traditionally, conversion from Islam can result in a range of punishments, including expulsion from the family and "beatings and even killings against family members who convert," geopolitical analyst and consultant Rainer Rothfuss told RT.
Despite this, Muslims are converting to Christianity in increasing numbers.
More than 80 Muslim refugees from Iran and Afghanistan converted to Christianity and were baptised last month in Hamburg.
"The motive for the change of faith is the same for many: they are disappointed with Islam," Albert Babajan, the pastor who conducted the mass baptism, told German magazine Stern.
One Iranian refugee, Shima, told Stern that Islam had never brought her freedom, and she had lived under constant fear of sin.
"I've been looking all my life for peace and happiness, but in Islam, I have not found it," she said.
"To be a Christian means happiness to me."