Naghmeh Abedini, the wife of US pastor Saeed Abedini, who is serving time in an Iranian prison, spoke to the staff of Reverend Franklin Graham's charitable organisation Samaritan's Purse on Friday and shared updates about her husband's condition.
She said things are not looking good for Saeed, who has been imprisoned for over three years already. "She shared that because Saeed will not denounce Christ, in addition to beatings and mistreatment, he was tasered last week and prison officials came through on their threat to increase his eight-year prison sentence," Graham wrote on his Facebook page. "She asked for prayer for Saeed's continued strength, encouragement, and endurance as he shares his hope in Jesus Christ with other prisoners and guards while in chains, literally."
Graham said the Bible instructs Christians to care for the oppressed. He cited the verse Hebrews 13:3: "Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body."
The American evangelist and his whole crew in Samaritan's Purse joined the prayer vigil held by Naghmeh recently to mark Saeed's third year in prison. Graham is grateful that a lot of people from various parts of the world joined the prayer vigil.
"Even as this day passes, we don't want to stop praying for his protection and freedom," he said.
Saeed's continued imprisonment is getting more worrisome for Graham especially now that America is about to implement a highly controversial nuclear deal with Iran.
Graham said this deal should not push through because of Iran's intentions. "Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei isn't hiding his true feelings about America, Israel, or the nuclear deal... He arrogantly declared that Israel wouldn't even exist in 25 years! How blatant can you get? He also says that the US is the Great Satan," said Graham. "I can't believe that our president and members of Congress who support this are so blind to the truth. Making a deal with Iran is like making a deal with the devil."