Naghmeh Abedini strives to learn humility shown by Canaanite woman who pleaded Jesus to have mercy on her

Naghmeh Abedini poses with two of her children with husband Saeed in a photo that appears on her Facebook page. (Facebook/Naghmeh Abedini)

Naghmeh Abedini is currently going through a difficult patch with her husband Saeed even after he has been released from his prison cell in Iran, and this is why she is asking God to help her learn about humility.

On her Facebook page, Naghmeh writes that having humility equates to great faith, and is therefore worthy of the kingdom of God. On the flip side, the kingdom of darkness boasts of an attitude of pride and lack of faith.

She then shares the Bible verses Matthew 15:22-28, which talks about a Canaanite woman who pleaded to Jesus Christ to have mercy on her since her daughter is "cruelly demon-possessed." Jesus did not answer, and his disciples even implored: "Send her away, because she keeps shouting at us."

Jesus answered then, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."

So when the woman came and bowed down before Him, once again asking for help, Jesus told her: "Oh woman, your faith is great; it shall be done for you as you wish."

And her daughter was instantly healed.

Naghmeh says she has been "chewing" on these verses for the past few weeks and "asking the Lord to show me the connection between this woman's humility (she was not offended no matter how many times her request SEEMED to have been rejected by Jesus) and how that is related to GREAT FAITH."

"The story seems so out of character for Jesus. And there is a reason for it. I have found that passages that seem strange [are] where God is making a very important point," reflects Naghmeh. "It is something to think about and take to the Lord, but I can share this...I have nothing to complain about or demand from the Lord. He is God and I am not. He directs and He chooses. I do not. We are only unworthy servants/slaves."

According to her, there is a mystery in realising that people are just God's bondservants and slaves, and she hopes to embrace it. "May God give me/us the strength to step into this attitude of humility that is pleasing to Him," prays Naghmeh.

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