Christian singer Natalie Grant is promoting her new book called "Finding Your Voice," which hopes to help women "find their God-given voice" in this world filled with noise, compromise, and mockery.
On her Facebook page, Grant shares a photo of her three daughters together with their grandparents. She then shares some stories of them reading her book. "My parents were visiting us from Seattle this past weekend. And though there were several moments I will forever hold dear, a couple stand out from the rest," she captioned the photo.
"I walked into my family room on two separate occasions — on one my dad was sitting on the couch, reading my new book 'Finding Your Voice,'" she continues. "Every few pages he would tell me how proud he was of me and what a help he believes this book will be for so many people. My dad is the most amazing cheerleader and I am exceptionally blessed."
The next day, Grant walked in to find her mother reading the book. Just looking at her mother, Grant was swept away by her emotions. At 76 years old, her mother still has so many stories left to tell, and God "still has more beauty to weave and story left to write on the pages of her life," Grant says.
In the same way, some people might feel like they've reached the end of the roads of their lives. But the singer assures them that there's a long way more to go, and that they should not feel "sidelined" by their brokenness or past mistakes.
"Others of you feel sidelined because of failed dreams and unmet expectations. Yet others feel sidelined because you think maybe your time has come and gone. [You're] just coasting along, wondering when the final chapter will come. Society tries to tell so many that you are past your prime. But the truth is: HE has the final say over your life. He is the author of your story and He is still holding the pen," she says.
For people who have so many reasons why their lives are limited, Grant has one message for them: "Our God is LIMITLESS. His plans and His timeline so far exceeds [our] own. You're not finished until He says so. Straighten your crown, stand up tall and remember who's child you are."